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Summer Classes - 2025


Kids Classes

Aditya Hrudayam Hanuman Chalisa Summer Camp

Aditya Hridayam

Adityahridayam is from sarga 105 of Yuddha kanda of Valmiki Ramayanam. It contains 31 shlokas listing various powerful epithets of Bhagavan Surya. This stotra is usually chanted for health, success and achievement in life.

Solar power is the source of all life in our world. Therefore, it is appropriate that we worship the unseen intelligence behind the solar power – The Sun God, Aditya.  Before doing battle with the demon Ravana, Rishi Agastya advised Sri Rama to chant this hymn to gain the strength.  It is said that those who chant this hymn daily gain shining good health & be victorious.


Aditya Hridayam

For Ages 5 and above
Sundays, 10.00am - 11.00am
June 8th, 2025 - July 20th, 2025

(Note: Registrations Open)

(Our very own experienced Bala Vikas Teachers)
* No class on July 2nd


Hanuman Chalisa

Saint Tulsidas testified that Bhagwan Shankar Himself said that chanting the forty verses of the Hanuman Chalisa would bring liberation.  Chanting the Chalisa is known to bring strength, fortitude and courage.

Hanuman Chalisa

For Ages 4 and above
Sundays, 10.00am - 11.00am
June 8th, 2025 - July 20th, 2025

(Note: Registrations Open)

Annapurni Hariharan & Vedanth Annath (Our very own experienced Bala Vikas Teachers)
* No class on July 2nd



Kids Summer Camp

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple 
In collaboration with

Kids Summer Camp

For Ages 5 and above
   Sundays, 11.00am - 12.30pm
 June 15th, 2025 - July 13th,2025

(Note: Registrations Open)

SAIVA is a central Texas nonprofit organization that promotes a sense of well-being, belonging and fulfillment for older adults of South Asian heritage through community engagement, education, partnership building, and advocacy & civic involvement. 
All materials will be provided at the camp.
 * No class on July 2nd

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4 


Yoga (intergenerational yoga class with explanations)



Science & Crafts

Simple circuit based projects using  

Solar cell

Story narration


Activity: Packing meal bags and decorating cards for the homeless community

Arts & Science

Simple circuit based projects using small watch battery


Fun with cooking


Hindu religious story narration with Bhajan  

Arts & Craft



Registration is now open for Summer Classes 2025.  

Registration Link

All classes will be conducted in-person at Sri Shiridi Sai Temple.

For questions about classes please email education@saiaustin.org