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Education is the only means to making a society of informed, responsible adults. The temple believes in starting this process early. We also believe that food and nutrition is basic to developing healthy bodies. When the body is nourished right, the mind will develop well. At the temple we have many initiatives to pursue this goal.


School Backpack Program (Total cost per year ~$18,000 and growing): This is a yearlong program. The food we collect and deliver includes breakfast (cereal, oatmeal, fruits etc), lunch & dinner meals (canned veggies, pasta, beans, soup etc.) and healthy snack (granola bars, dried fruits and nuts, juices etc) options. We started with supporting 25 students and with generous donors now support more that 250 students. Temple volunteers deliver about 8,000 plus free meals this year to students of Running Brushy Middle School, Leander Middle School Cox Elementary, Reed Elementary, Bagdad Elementary and other elementary schools in Leander ISD, who are covered by the ISD Backpack Program. These are students who participate in the Free and Reduced meal program offered by the ISD during working days and take the support of the Backpack Program for weekends and holidays.  These are students who do not have the continuous access to food piles like many of us are blessed with. Many a times when a student walks into the nurse’s office feeling weak or tummy ache, a snack is all they need to get back on their feet! 


Winter Food Box Program (Total cost ~$12,500): Temple donated 125 gift boxes each containing ~$100 worth of food to the families of students covered by the Backpack Program of the ISD. The goal is to provide the students and their families with healthy food while school is on break. A well-nourished body is keen and attentive to learn. Each box has canned and packaged food (cereal, oatmeal, pasta, pasta sauce, Mac & cheese, canned veggies, and fruits, juice, crackers, and holiday food like mashed potato, cake mixes etc.) to help the families tide over the holiday period. The box of food is estimated to cover about 10 days of the winter break.


Summer School Supplies Program (Total cost ~$6,000): Temple provided entire school stationary list to 150 needy and deserving students this year to students of Bagdad Elementary and Running Brushy Middle School. With education laying more emphasis on technology, School Supplies go beyond paper and pencil. We provided headphones to all the 150 students, in addition to stationary supplies.


ACC College – Temple started scholarship program on our beloved Sri Craig Sastry’s name in 2019. Each Scholarship is of $2,500 is given to deserving, high achieving candidates after complete screening by the organization, to help them pursue a vocational course. Through this our aim is to equip the economically needy people get life skills needed to support a family. Three of ACC students benefited out of it so far. 


Sneha Rides  This is an Orphanage runs by a noble couple in Nuzvid, Andhra Pradesh, India.  All the 90+ children ages 4 to 18 in this orphanage go to school. Temple will be providing a glass of milk to all the children in the morning.  Temple will be paying fees, books, hostel expenses, etc. to two talented B. Pharm students this year to pursue their career.  Also, we have identified 8 talented and needy 10th graders to help with their life ambition.

